General Remote Sensing

Satellite-Based Time Series of Chlorophyll in Chilko Lake, British Columbia, Canada (Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 45:3-4, 368-385 )

Assessment of Vegetation Change after Biosolids Treatment: Use of Remotely Sensed Vegetation Time Series (TRCR 2014)

Satellite-based study of water quality of Chilko Lake (British Columbia, Canada): impact on sockeye salmon (IGARSS 2014)

Characterization of Hazardous Ice using Spaceborne SAR and Ice Profileing Sonar: Preliminary Results (ATC 2014)

Characterization of Oil Slicks at Sea using Remote Sensing Techniques (Oceans 2012)

Investigations of Variability for Ship Navigation through the Northwest Passage, 1982-2010 (POAC 2011)

Borstad, G., W. Crawford, J.M. Hipfner, R. Thomson and K. Hyatt, 2011. Environmental control of the breeding success of rhinoceros auklets at Triangle Island, British Columbia. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Series 424: 285-302.

Edel, H., E. Shaw, J. Falkingham, W. Jefferies, D. Wilson and G. A. Borstad, 2004. The Canadian RADARSAT program. Backscatter 11(4): 11-15

Bergeron, M., A. Abuelgasim, J. Gower, K. Staenz, G. Borstad and A. Holinger. 2004. Canadian hyperspectral program potential for aquatic remote-sensing. Backscatter. 15(1):27-32

Borstad, G., R. Stacey, and H. Edel, 2004. Trends in ocean and freshwater issues and opportunities for earth observation. Backscatter 15(1): 39-48

Borstad, G. A, L. E. Borstad, R. A. Stacey, P. Stacey, C. Mitchell, G. Holland, B. Wilson, J. Garrett, D. Power, C. Randell and I. Rubinstein, 2002. Trends and opportunities in marine and freshwater remote sensing technology. Canadian Space Agency report no. CSA-ST-CR-2001-0026, 600 p.

Hauff, P.L., D.C. Peters, W. A. Peppin, E. C. Prosh, E. D. Dillenbeck and G. A. Borstad, 2001. Accuracy assessment of hyperspectral imagery; atmospheric calibration and image classification considerations. International Geophysical and Remote Sensing Symposium, Sydney, Australia

Zacharias, M. A., S. A. Akenhead, G. A. Borstad and R. C. Kerr, 1994. Three dimensional geo-referencing of airborne multispectral data for use in a GIS. Proceedings of the GIS’94 Symposium., Vancouver, BC

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Borstad, G.A., L.N. Brown and D.B. Fissel, 2009. Examining change and long-term trends in the marine environment using satellite-based time series. Presented at Oceans 2009 MTS/IEEE Conference, Biloxi, MS

Gower, J. F. R., C. Hu, G. A. Borstad and S. King, 2006, Ocean color satellites show extensive lines of floating Sargassum in the Gulf of Mexico. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44: 3619-3625

Gower, J., S. King, G. Borstad and L. Brown. 2005. Detection of intense plankton blooms using the 709nm band of the MERIS imaging spectrometer. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 26(9):2005-2012

Bukata, R.P., J.H. Jerome, G. Borstad, L. Brown and J.Gower. 2004. Mitigating the impact of trans-spectral processes on multivariate retrieval of water quality parameters from case 2 waters. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 30(1):8-16

Gower, J., L. Brown and G. Borstad. 2004. Observation of chlorophyll fluorescence in west coast waters of Canada using the MODIS satellite sensor. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 30(1):17-25.

Robinson, C.L.K., J. Gower and G. Borstad. 2004. Twenty years of satellite observations describing phytoplankton blooms in seas adjacent to Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, Canada. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 30(1):36-43.

Gower, J.F.R. and G.A. Borstad, 2004. On the potential of MODIS and MERIS for imaging chlorophyll fluorescence from space. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25(7):1459-1564.

Sathyendranath, S., T. Platt, B. Irwin, E. Horne, G.A. Borstad, V. Stuart, L. Payzant, H. Maas, P. Kepkay, W.K.W. Li, J. Spry and J.F.R. Gower. 2003. Multispectral remote sensing study of coastal waters off Vancouver Island. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 25(5):893-919.

Borstad, G. A., R. A. Stacey, H. Edel, L. Borstad, R. Wilson, J. Garrett, G. Holland and D. Power, 2001. Trends and opportunities in marine remote sensing. Workshop on remote sensing and resource management in nearshore and coastal waters, Wolfville, NS

Gower, J.F.R., R. Doerffer and G.A. Borstad. 1999. Interpretation of the 685 nm peak in water-leaving radiance spectra in terms of fluorescence, absorption and scattering, and its observation by MERIS. Int. J. Remote Sensing. 9:1771-1786.

Sathyendranath, S., T. Platt, G.F. Cota, V. Stuart and G.A. Borstad, 1997. Modeling and interpreting ocean-colour data. Proc. First Workshop on MOS-IRS and Ocean Colour, Berlin.

Brown, R. M., K. L. Denman, G. A. Borstad and J. R. Parks, 1993. The use of satellite imagery to direct research ship sampling operations. Fish. Oceanogr. 2:3/4, 184-190

Gower, J.F.R. and G.A. Borstad, 1993. Use of imaging spectroscopy to map solar-stimulated chlorophyll fluorescence, red tides and submerged vegetation. Proceedings of the 16th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Sherbrooke, Quebec

Borstad, G. A., J. F. R. Gower and E. J. Carpenter, 1992. Development of algorithms for remote sensing of Trichodesmium blooms. In: Marine Pelagic Cyanobacteria: Trichodesmium and other Diazotrophs, E.J. Carpenter, D.G. Capone and J.G. Reuter (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, p, 193-210.

Gower, J. F. R., G. A. Borstad, C. Anger and H. Edel, 1992. CCD based imaging spectroscopy for remote sensing: the FLI and CASI programs. Can. J. Remote Sensing. 18:199-209

Thomson, R. E., P. W. Vachon and G. A. Borstad, 1992. Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery of atmospheric gravity waves. J. Geophys. Res. 18:2900-3002

Thomson, R.E., M.C. Healey, J.F.T. Morris and G.A. Borstad, 1992. The distribution of commercial troll fishing vessels off south-west Vancouver Island in relation to observed physical oceanography: July 1988. Can. J. Fish. Aquatic Sci.: 48:2296-2306

Vachon, P. W., G. A. Borstad and R. E. Thomson, 1992. Airborne observations of mesoscale ocean features. Can. Jour. Remote Sensing. 18:152-166.

Gower, J.F.R. and G. A. Borstad, 1991. An exceptional red tide event on the west coast of Canada mapped with the AVHRR and imaging spectroscopy. Proceedings of IGARRS'91, Helsinki, Finland. IEEE Catalog 91CH2971-0 Volume 1, p. 145-148

Pettersson, L. H., O. M. Johannessen, O. Frette, K. Sorensen, E. Svendsen, G. A. Borstad, and J.F.R. Gower, 1991. Airborne imaging spectrometry for mapping of the chlorophyll a distribution and pollution in the Skagerrak region. EARSeL Advances in Remote Sensing 1(1): 93-100

Gower, J. F. R. and G. A. Borstad, 1990. Mapping of phytoplankton by solar-stimulated fluorescence using an imaging spectrometer. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 11:313-320

Borstad, G.A. and R.E. Thomson, 1990. Fish and physics - linking the distribution of Pacific salmon to coastal oceanography off southern Vancouver Island. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Operational Fisheries Oceanography, St. John's, Nfld

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Brown, L.N., M.M. Martinez de Saavedra Alvarez and G.A. Borstad, 2009. Applications of remote sensing in marine coastal management. Presented at COLACMAR XIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias del Mar, La Habana, Cuba

Kovach, C.W., G. A. Borstad and M. Martínez de Saavedra Álvarez, 2001. Multispectral imaging of the coastal zone near Tampa, Florida. Seagrass Management Symposium, St. Petersburg, Florida

MacLeod, W., J. Aitken and G. A. Borstad, 1995. Intertidal habitat mapping in British Columbia using an airborne imaging spectrometer. Proceedings of the Third Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing For Marine And Coastal Environments, Seattle, WA

Aitken, J. and G.A. Borstad. 1996. A comparison of kelp distribution mapped in 1979 with aerial photography and in 1995 with a digital multispectral imager. Unpublished report for the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Victoria, BC

Forsyth, F., G. A. Borstad, W. Horniak and L. N. Brown, 1998. Prince Rupert intertidal habitat inventory project. Unpublished report to the Prince Rupert Port Corporation, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and the City of Prince Rupert. 33 pp.

Borstad , G.A. and F. Forsyth, 1999. Multispectral imaging of intertidal vegetation in Terra Nova National Park, Newfoundland. Unpublished report for Memorial University and Terra Nova National Park

Borstad, G. A., L. Brown, W. Cross, M. Nallee and P. Wainwright, 1997. Towards a management plan for a tropical reef-lagoon system using airborne multispectral imaging and GIS. Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Orlando, FL

Despinoy, M., Naim, O., 1998. Etude des récifs coralliens à l'Ile de la Réunion par télédétection mutlibande. Septièmes journées scientifiques du réseau de télédétection de l'AUPELF-UREF. "La réalité de terrain en télédétection : Principes et Méthodes". Ste Foy (Québec). Universités francophones, Actualités scientifiques, p.29-36.

Borstad, G. A., L. Estep and L. Brown, 1997. Mapping a Texas lagoon with airborne multispectral imaging. Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Orlando, FL

Ritter, R. and E.L. Lanzer, 1997. Remote sensing of nearshore vegetation in Washington State's Puget Sound. Proceedings of 1997 Geospatial Conference, Seattle, WA, vol. 3:527-536

Aitken, J. and G. A. Borstad, 1995. Multispectral mapping of intertidal marsh habitat. Proceedings of the Third Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Seattle, WA

Borstad, G. A. and J. Vosburgh, 1993. Combined active and passive optical bathymetric mapping using the LARSEN LIDAR and the CASI imaging spectrometer. Proceedings of the 16th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Sherbrooke, Quebec

Borstad, G. A. and S. A. Akenhead, 1993. Mapping and monitoring of coastal areas with a small airborne remote sensing system. Paper presented at the Second Thematic Conference on Remote sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, New Orleans, LA

Borstad, G. A., 1992. Ecosystem surveillance and monitoring with a small airborne imaging spectrometer system. Paper presented at the First Thematic Conference on Remote sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, New Orleans, LA

Zacharias, M., O. Neimann and G. A. Borstad, 1992. The remote sensing of intertidal seaweeds using an imaging spectrometer. Can. J. Remote Sensing. 18:263-274

Gower, J. F. R., G. A. Borstad and R. A. H. Buxton, 1991. Coastal remote sensing with imaging spectroscopy. Canadian Remote Sensing Society Symposium, Calgary, Alberta  Forestry and Land Management 

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Assessment of Vegetation Change after Biosolids Treatment: Use of Remotely Sensed Vegetation Time Series (TRCR 2014)

Remote Sensing in Vegetation Monitoring more than just a Pretty Picture (CLRA 2013)

Multispectral Mapping Of Vegetation Changes In Reclaimed Areas At Highland Valley Between 2001 And 2011 (TRCR 2012)

Assessment of reclamation status and identification of water stress using airborne remote sensing  (MC 2011) 

Borstad, G., L. Brown, M. Martinez, B. Hamaguchi, J. Dickson and M. Freburg, 2009. Airborne mapping of vegetation changes in reclaimed areas at Highland Valley between 2001 and 2008. Presented at the 33rd Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium, Cranbrook, British Columbia.

Brown, L. N., G. A. Borstad, M. Martínez de Saavedra Álvarez, R, Kerr, P.G. Willis, Mark R., and Peter Witt, 2006. Temporal trends in reclamation assessed with airborne multispectral remote sensing. Presented at the 30th British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium, Smithers, British Columbia

Borstad, G.A., M. Martínez de Saavedra Álvarez, L. Brown, R. C. Kerr, P.G. Willis, H. Larrat, and M. R.s, 2005. Using multispectral remote sensing to monitor aquatic vegetation in ponds at a reclaimed mine site. 29th Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium, British Columbia Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation, Abbotsford, British Columbia

Richards, M., G.A. Borstad and M. Martínez de Saavedra Álvarez, 2004. Using multispectral remote sensing to monitor reclamation at Highland Valley Copper. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium, British Columbia Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation, Cranbrook, BC

Richards, M., M. Martínez de Saavedra Álvarez and G. A. Borstad, 2003. The use of multispectral remote sensing to map reclaimed areas at Highland Valley Copper. Canadian Institute of Mining symposium, Montreal, Quebec

Lennon, M., V. Mariette, A. Coal, V. Vethecke, P. Mouge, G. A. Borstad, P.G. Willis, R. C. Kerr and M. Alvarez, 2003. Detection and mapping of the November 2002 Prestige tanker oil spill in Galacia, Spain, with the airborne multispectral CASI sensor. Proc. Third EARSeL [European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories] Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Herrsching, Germany

Borstad, G. A., L. N. Brown, R. P. Bukata, J. Jerome and J. F. R Gower, 2002. Imaging Great Lakes chlorophyll at the red end of the spectrum. Proceedings of PORSEC 2002, Bali, Indonesia, p. 102-106

Bukata, R.P., A. Dekker and G.A. Borstad, 2001. A clear view of turbid waters: a synthesis resulting from the aquatic remote sensing workshop, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. Workshop on Remote Sensing and Resource Management in Nearshore and Inland Waters, Wolfville, Nova Scotia

Borstad, G. A., L. N. Brown and J. F. R. Gower, 2001. How to monitor coastal and inland water quality? Backscatter12(1): 7-12

Peters, D.C. et al., 2001. Waste identification and characterization for the International Smelter area using CASI/SFSI hyperspectral remote sensing data. Presented at the Tailings & Mine Waste 2001 conference in Fort Collins, CO on January 16, 2001.

Dillenback, E., D. C. Peters, P. L. Hauff, L. G. Closs, K. Lee and G. A. Borstad, 2001. Identification of potentially hazardous wastes using the SFSI and CASI imaging spectrometers at the Bauer Mill tailings sites and the Stockton mining district, Utah. Tailings and Mine Waste '01 Balkema, Rotterdam,  ISBN 90 5809 182 1. 

Dillenbeck, E. D., P. L. Hauff, D. C. Peters, G. A. Borstad, L. G. Closs and K. Lee, 2000. Identification of mineral extraction waste products using the SFSI and CASI hyperspectral imagers at the Bauer mill site, Stockton, Utah. Paper presented at the Fourteenth Conference on Applied Geologic Remote Sensing, Las Vegas, Nevada

Borstad, G. A., N. Holden and D. Palmer, 1994. A program for monitoring water quality in the coastal zone of England and Wales. Proceedings of the 16th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Sherbrooke, Quebec.

Palmer D., G. A Borstad. and S. R. Boxall, 1999. Airborne multispectral remote sensing of the January 1993 Shetlands oil spill. Presented at the Second Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Martínez de Saavedra Álvarez, M., 1998. Multispectral thematic maps of vegetation and ground cover of Ophir, Tooele/Anaconda, and Stockton/Bauer in the Utah mining district. Unpublished report for Peter Geosciences and Spectral International, Arvada, Colorado

Borstad, G. A., M. Zacharias and R. C. Kerr, 1995. Plume delineation of an estuarine pulp and paper mill outfall using airborne multispectral imagery and rhodamine dye. Proceedings of the Third Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments. Seattle, WA

Borstad, G. A., 1994. Aerial mapping of effluent plumes. Proceedings of the Environmental Effects Monitoring Conference, Quebec City, Quebec

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Biology and Wildlife

Borstad, G., W. Crawford, J.M. Hipfner and R. Thomson (submitted). Satellite measurements of marine productivity and wind provide insights to the breeding success of a marine auklet. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Series.

Borstad, G., L. Brown, M. Sato, D. Lemon, R. Kerr and P. Willis, 2010. Long zooplankton time series with high temporal and spatial resolution. Presented at Oceans 2010 MTS/IEEE Seattle, Washington.

Borstad G.A., M. Martínez, and J. Hines, 2008. Reduction in vegetation cover at the Anderson River delta, Northwest Territories, identified by Landsat imagery, 1972–2003. Canadian Wildlife Service Technical Report no. 496.

Brown, E. D., S. M. Moreland, G. A. Borstad and B. L. Norcross, 1999. Estimating forage fish and seabird abundance using aerial surveys: survey design and uncertainty. Appendix VI, Chapter 11 in R.T. Cooney (compiler), Sound Ecosystem Assessment (SEA) – an integrated science plan for the restoration of injured species in Prince W.. Final Report to the Exxon Valdez Trustee Council, Restoration Project 00320, Anchorage.

Funk, F. and G. A. Borstad, 1998. Using an airborne imaging spectrometer to detect and assess inshore schools of pre-spawning Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi). Proceedings of the American Fisheries Society Meetings, Hartford, Conn.
Nakashima, B. S. and G. A. Borstad, 1998. Assessing capelin (Mallotus villosus) stocks using data from aerial surveys. Proceedings of the American Fisheries Society meetings, Hartford, Conn.

Brown, E. D., G. A. Borstad, K. D. E. Stokesbury and B.L. Norcross, 1998. Calibrating and Improving the Utility of Aerial Surveys via the Use of CASI, Videography, and Acoustics. Proceedings of the American Fisheries Society meetings, Hartford, Conn. August 23-27.
Nakashima, B. S. and G. A. Borstad, 1997. Relative abundance and behaviour of capelin schools (Mallotus villosus) from aerial surveys. Proceedings, Forage Fishes in Marine Ecosystems. Alaska Sea Grant Program. AK-SG-97-01

Funk, F., G. A. Borstad and S. A. Akenhead, 1995. Imaging spectrometer detects and measures the surface area of Pacific herring schools in the Bering Sea. Proceedings of the Third Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments. Seattle, WA.

Nakashima, B. S. and G. A. Borstad, 1993. Detecting and measuring pelagic fish schools using remote sensing techniques. International Council for the Exploration of the Seas, report C.M, 1993/B:7 session T, Fish Capture Committee.

Borstad, G. A., D. A. Hill, R. C. Kerr, and B. Nakashima, 1992. Direct digital remote sensing of herring schools. Int. J. Remote Sensing. 13: 2191-2198.

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Geology and Mining

Borstad Associates, 2008. Using ASTER in mineral exploration. Unpublished Borstad Associates report.

Neville, R. A., J. Levesque, K. Staenz, C. Nadeau, P. Hauff and G.A. Borstad, 2003. Spectral unmixing of hyperspectral imagery for mineral exploration: comparison of results from SFSI and AVIRIS. Can. J. Remote Sensing 29 (1): 99-110

Borstad, G. A. and J. B. Lim, 2001. Hyperspectral remote sensing of hydrothermal alterations using the SFSI-2 Sensor. GIS India 11(7) 17-21

Peters, D.C., P. L. Hauff, E. D. Dillenbeck, W. A. Peppin, E. C. Prosh and G. A. Borstad, 2001. Environmental site characterization for the International Smelter area and Bauer Mill, Utah, using hyperspectral data. International Geophysical and Remote Sensing Symposium, Australia

Borstad, G.A., J.B. Lim, R.A. Neville and P.L. Hauff, 2000. SFSI-2 - a new source of airborne hyperspectral SWIR imagery. 22nd Annual Canadian Remote Sensing Symposium, Victoria, British Columbia

Hauff, P. L., D. Peters, W. Peppin, G. A. Borstad, E. C. Prosh, F. Henderson III, E. Dillenbeck and L. G. Closs, 2000. SFSI and AVIRIS processing and analysis results for the Dragon Mine calibration site and surroundings. Environmental Protection Agency Abandoned Mine Lands Results Workshop, Park City, UT

Hauff, P. L., D. C. Peters, W. Peppin, G. A. Borstad, E. C. Prosh, F. B. Henderson III, E. Dillenbeck and L. G. Closs, 2000. Hyperspectral investigations of mine waste and abandoned mine lands - the Dragon Mine, Utah, calibration site case study. Presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Applied Geologic Remote Sensing, Las Vegas, Nevada

Peppin, W., P. L. Hauff, D. C. Peters and G. A. Borstad, 2000. Mineral classification over the Dragon Pit from AVIRIS/SFSI data vs ground observations. Paper presented at the Fourteenth Conference on Applied Geologic Remote Sensing, Las Vegas, Nevada

Staenz, K., R. A. Neville, J. Levesque, V. Singhrhoy, G. A. Borstad and P. Hauff, 1999. Evaluation of casi and SFSI Hyperspectral data for geological applications – two case studies. Can. J. Remote Sensing 25 (3): 311-322.

Hauff et al., 1996. The CCRS SWIR Full Spectrum Imager (SFSI): mission to Nevada June 1995. Presented at the ERIM Conference on Applied Geologic Remote Sensing, in Las Vegas, Nevada

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Safeguards and Security

Trong, Q.S.B., J.B. Lim and G.A. Borstad, 2009. Supplementing high-resolution satellite imagery with lower resolution multispectral and radar imagery for safeguards applications. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Tucson, Arizona

Truong, Q.S.B., J. Lim, G. Borstad, L.N. Brown, G. Parsons and J. Mulvie, 2008. Capabilities and potential safeguards applications of high resolution imagery. Paper presented to the European Safeguards Research Development Association (ESARDA), Tokyo, Japan.

Truong, Q.S.B., L.N. Brown and G.A. Borstad, 2007. Practical training in hyperspectral satellite analysis. Paper presented to the European Safeguards Research Development Association (ESARDA), Aix-en-Provence, France

Borstad G. A. and Q.S. B. Truong, 2007. Global Positioning System (GPS) for safeguards applications. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Tucson, Arizona

Lim, J.B., G. A. Borstad, L. N. Brown, and Q.S. Bob Truong, 2006. A systematic approach to hyperspectral interpretation of uranium mines. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Nashville, Tennessee

Borstad, G. A., J. B. Lim, L. N. Brown, Q.S. B. Truong, G. Healey, R. Kelley, K. Staenz, and R. Neville, 2005. Satellite hyperspectral imaging in support of nuclear safeguards monitoring. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Phoenix, Arizona

Truong, Q.S.B., G. A. Borstad, and R. Saper, 2005. Integration of satellite imagery and other tools in safeguards information analysis. Paper presented to the European Safeguards Research Development Association (ESARDA), Santa Fé, New Mexico

Borstad, G. A., L. N. Brown, Q.S. Truong, R. Kelley, G. Healey, J.-P. Paquette, K. Staenz, and R. Neville, 2004. Hyperspectral imagery for safeguards applications. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Orlando, Florida

Truong, Q.S., G. A. Borstad, K. Staenz, R. Neville, R. Leslie, P. Riggs and V. Bragin, 2003. Multispectral and hyperspectral imagery for safeguards and verification of remote uranium mines. Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona

Truong, Q.S., G. A. Borstad, L. N. Brown, R. C. Kerr, W. Horniak, K. Staenz and R. Neville, 2003. Hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing at uranium processing facilities. 25th Symposium on Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management, Stockholm, Sweden

Leslie, R., Q. S. Truong, G. A. Borstad, K. Staenz, R. Neville, P. Riggs and V. Bragin, 2002. Satellite imagery for safeguards purposes: utility of panchromatic and multispectral imagery for verification of remote uranium mines. Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Symposium, Orlando, Florida

Borstad, G.A., Q.S. Truong, R. Keeffe, P. Baines, K. Staenz and R. Neville, 2001. Using limnological and optical knowledge to detect discharges from nuclear power plants - potential application for international safeguards. International Atomic Energy Agency Symposium on International Safeguards: Verification and Nuclear Material Security, Vienna, Austria

Neville, R. A., K. Staenz, J. Lévesque, C. Nadeau, Q.S. Truong, and G. A. Borstad, 2001. Uranium mine detection using an airborne imaging spectrometer. Presented at the Fifth International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference, San Francisco, California

Neville, R. A., K. Staenz, J. Lévesque, C. Nadeau, Q.S. Truong, and G. A. Borstad, 2001. Hyperspectral analysis of imagery of a uranium mine site. International Symposium on Spectral Sensing Research (ISSSR), Quebec City, Quebec


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