Observations of Wind-forced Dynamic Processes in Sea Ice Using a Logarithmic Ice Profiling Sonar (IPS) in the Coastal Waters of the Nunatsiavut Region of Newfounderland and Labrador, Canada (video presentation for the Ocean Sciences Meeting OSM 2022)
Analyses of Peace River Shallow Water Ice Profiling Sonar data and their implications for the roles played by frazil ice and in situ anchor ice growth in a freezing river (The Cryosphere, 15, 2473–2489, 2021)
CMOS Arctic Special Interest Group presentation-Background and History (2019)
Best Practice: Long-term Oceanographic Mooring Measurements in Arctic Regions (ECO Magazine March/April 2019)
Sea Ice Research: Recent Findings and Outstanding Issues in Relation to Arctic Development ( 2018)
Sea-ice thickness in the coastal northeastern Chukchi Sea from moored ice-profiling sonar Journal of Glaciology (2017), 63 (241) 888-898
Variability of Annual Advance and Retreat of Chukchi Sea Ice (Poster) (Abstract) (ASLO Ocean Sciences meeting 2018)
Ice and Physical Oceanographic Observations in the Chukchi Beaufort Seas 2008–2016 (AMSS 2017)
Estimation and Validation of Floe Size Distribution from Upward Looking Sonars (Abstract)(Poster) (ATC 2016)
Regression Analysis of Winter Sea Ice Drift in the Southern Beaufort Sea as a Result of Synoptic Atmospheric
Forcing (ActicNet 2016)
Spatial Variability of Sea Ice Drafts in the Continental Margin of the Canadian Beaufort Sea from a Dense Array of Moored Upward Looking Sonar Instru (ArcticNet 2016)
Investigating Attenuation and Reflection of Short-Period Ocean Waves Propagating into Arctic Pack Ice (ArcticNet 2016)
Testing of Ice Profiler Sonar (IPS) Targets Using a Logarithmic Detector (Oceans 2016)
Design and Development of a Greenland Ice and Metocean Geoportal (ATC 2015)
Taking a look at both sides of the ice: comparison of ice thickness and drift speed as observed from moored, airborne and shore-based instruments near Barrow, Alaska (Annals of Glaciology, 56(69), 363-372, 2015)
Observations of supercooled water and frazil ice formation in an Arctic coastal polynya form moorings and satellite imagery (Annals of Glaciology, 56(69), 307-314, 2015)
Synoptic Climatology of the Southern Beaufort Sea Troposphere with Comparisons to Surface Winds(Atmosphere-Ocean March 2015)
Iceberg Severity off the East Coast of North America in relation to Upstream Sea Ice Variability: An Update(Oceans 2014)
Development of Ice Profiler Sonar (IPS) Target Sonar with a Logarithmic Detector (Oceans 2014)
The Detection of Multi-Year Ice Using Upward Looking Sonar Data (IceTech 2014)
The Measurement of Shallow Ocean Currents Beneath Deformed Mobile Sea Ice using Upward Looking Sonar Instruments (IceTech 2014)
Characterization of Hazardous Ice using Spaceborne SAR and Ice Profiling Sonar: Preliminary Results (ATC 2014)
The Sensitivity of Ice Keel Statistics to Upward Looking Sonar Ice Draft Processing Methods (ATC 2014)
Synoptic Climatology for the Troposphere Over the Southern Beaufort Sea (AGU 2013)
An examination of Beaufort Shelf Winter Water in the Canadian Beaufort Sea (ArcticNet 2013)
Advances in Moored Upward Looking Sonar Systems for Long Term Measurement of Arctic Ice and Oceanography (Oceans 2013)
Long-Term Changes in Metocean-Ice Conditions in the Canadian Beaufort Sea (ISOPE 2013)
Improvements in the Detection of Hazardous Sea Ice Features Using Upward Looking Sonar Data (ATC 2012)
The Changing Ice Regime of Northeastern Baffin Bay (IceTech 2012)
Changes in the Summer Clearing of Sea Ice in the Northwestern Baffin Bay, 1981-2011 (CMOS-2012)
Investigations of Variability for Ship Navigation through the Northwest Passage, 1982-2010 (POAC 2011)
Sea-ice drift characteristics revealed by measurement of acoustic Doppler current profiler and ice-profiling sonar off Hokkaido in the Sea of Okhotsk (Annals of Glaciology, 52(57), 1-8, 2011)
Understanding the Changing Arctic Sea Ice Regime (The Journal of Ocean Technology, 2011)
An Analysis of Sea Ice Condition to Determine Ship Transits through the Northwest Passage (IceTech 2010)
An Analysis of Sea Ice Condition to Determine Ship Transits through the Northwest Passage (IceTech 2010)
Automated Detection of Hazardous Sea Ice Features from Upward Looking Sonar Data (IceTech 2010)
The Changing Met-Ocean and Ice Conditions in the Beaufort Sea: Implications for Offshore Oil and Gas (presented at ISOPE 2009)
Direct observations of sea-ice thickness and brine rejection off Sakhalin in the Sea of Okhotsk (Continental Shelf Research, 29(11-12), 1541-1548, 2009)
Real-Time Measurement of Sea Ice Thickness, Keel Sizes and Distributions of Ice Velocities Using Upward Looking Sonar Instruments (presented at Oceans 2009)
Upward Looking Sonar-based Measurements of Sea Ice and Waves (presented at Oceans 2008)
Advances in Marine Ice Profiling for Oil and Gas Applications (Presented at IceTech 2008)
Sea-ice thickness in the southwestern Sea of Okhotsk revealed by a moored ice-profiling sonar (Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, C09018, 2006)
Marine Ice Profiling: Future Directions (Presented at IceTech 2006)
Recent developments in Ice and Water Column Profiling Technology (Presented at IAHR 2006)
Satellite GPS Measurements of Landfast Ice Displacements in the Canadian Beaufort during the Winter of 2003 (POAC 2005) (Ice Study not IPS)
Ice drift and draft measurements from moorings at the confederation bridge
Upward Looking Ice Profiler Sonar Instruments for Ice Thickness and Topography Measurements(Oceans 2004)
Real- Time Measurements of Ice Draft and Velocity in the St. Lawrence River (Oceans 2004)
Variability of sea-ice draft off Hokkaido in the Sea of Okhotsk revealed by a moored ice-profiling sonar in winter of 1999 (Geophysical Research Letters, 30(7), 2003)
Observations and Analyses of an Intense Waves-in-Ice Event In the Sea of Okhotsk(JGR 2003)
Applications of ice profiling sonar technology to scientific, engineering and operational issues in Polar and sub-Polar waters(Oceans International 2002)
Indentifying Skylites for AUV Operations Under Pack Ice: Insights from Ice-draft Profiling by Moored Sonar(Oceans 2002)
Large Waves in Thick Interior Sakhalin Pack Ice(POAC2002)
Ice Profiling Sonar for an AUV: An Approach for Obtaining SCICEX Quality Ice Draft Data by Nicole Tervalon of MBARI Oceanology International Americas (OIA) 2001)
Ice-profiling Sonar: Upward Looking Sonar Provides Over-Winter Records of Ice Thickness and Ice Keel Depths off Sakhalin, Russia(Sea Technology Magazine August 2000) Permission to reproduce granted by Compass Publications, Inc. This article appeared in the August 2000 issue of Sea Technology magazine, pp. 48-53.