Jan Buermans
President & CEO
Kaan Ersahin
Vice President & Director, Remote Sensing
Rene Chave
Board Chair, COO and CIO
Keath Borg
Director, Consulting & Senior Physical Oceanographer
Matthew Asplin
Director, Metocean and Arctic Strategic Partnerships
Rick Birch
Senior Oceanographer & Manager of Equipment and Field Operations
David Fissel
Co-Founder and Senior Oceanographer
Steve Pearce
Acoustics Scientist & AZFP Product Manager
Julek Chawarski
Biological Oceanographer
James Bartlett
Oceanographic Services Scientist and Product Sales Representative
Gary Borstad
Senior Remote Sensing Scientist
Leslie N. Brown
Senior Remote Sensing Scientist
José B. Lim
Senior Remote Sensing Analyst
Alexander Graham
Remote Sensing Analyst
Dan Walters
Data Scientist
Matus Hodul
Remote Sensing Scientist
Amanda Dash
Computer Vision / Deep Learning Specialist
Humza Rao
Oceanographic Instrumentation Engineering Technician