ASL Services

ASL offers an extensive set of services to suit your requirements. Whether it's specific services or comprehensive project management, we are here to work with you to produce excellent results. We can sell or lease instruments, deploy them, recover them, and offer data processing services too.

Ice Studies

ASL Environmental Sciences has developed a full complement of skills and specially designed instruments to study complex ice environments. Significant interest in Polar environments and the role of ice as a climate change indicator has positioned ASL Environmental Sciences as a world leader in this field.
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Physical Oceanography, Limnology & Acoustics

ASL’s staff of oceanographers, scientists and engineers are specialists in all aspects of physical oceanography and limnology, including currents/waves/tides, water quality [temperature, salinity, turbidity, chlorophyl, DO], sediment transport/turbidity flows, ice, and underwater acoustics.  (more ...)

Numerical Modeling

ASL has developed super computing capabilities using MPICH (Message Passing Interface). This is a leading edge parallel processing system. The system has multiple nodes, each with multiple CPUs. It is being used to improve ASL's existing current, sediment transport, ice tracking, and plume models to work faster and in more detail. (more ...)

Sediment Transport

ASL has been involved in sediment transport studies since the early 1980s in the Beaufort Sea. These projects were related to offshore oil and gas exploration and government studies. More recent projects have included offshore Nova Scoria, the Fraser River delta and the Columbia River. (more ...)

remote sensing

Remote Sensing

ASL helps you implement science-based solutions tailored to your mapping and monitoring requirements. With over 35 years of global experience across a wide array of projects, our Remote Sensing scientists are able to build the knowledge base needed to make informed decisions. (more ...)

Data Management

A web-based marine geoportal from which your ice, meteorological, oceanographic, and seabed data can be integrated and accessed. The geoportal is a collaborative tool that allows multiple users to interact with the system.
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ASL Environmental Sciences #1-6703 Rajpur Place V8M 1Z5 Saanichton, BC

Phone: +1 250-656-0177