Scientific Post-Processing of AZFP Data

AZFPLink - Basic data visualization

The AZFPLink software, normally used to configure the AZFP instrument, can be used to plot echograms for one-hour time segment. This is done from within the Echogram Tab.

Sample Echogram screen

Volume Backscatter (Sv), Target Strength (TS) and Digital Counts data can be exported in comma delimited format (.CSV) format using the Export TAB with in AZFPLink. The data files will be binary format or a comma-delimited ASCII format (CSV).

Sample Export screen

EchoView Software Pty Ltd

The AZFP raw data flies (*.01A, etc.) from the internal memory card are fully compatible with import into the EchoView software version 7.1 and later (

Sample Echoview screen

Echopype University of Washington

A python-based visualization and advanced analysis program for sonar data. The work flow converts raw sonar data to a standardized netCDF format allowing full access to many acoustic interpretive tools both in spatial and temporal domains. Echopype is compatible with raw AZFP data (.01A files). (

Sample screen shot of Echopype

Sonar5 by University of Oslo, Dr. Helge Balk
The Raw data flies (*.01A, etc.) from the AZFP Memory card can be imported directly in to Sonar4/5 ( for analysis.

Sample Sonar5 screen

ESP3 open-source software for acoustic data visualization
(NIWA, Wellington, New Zealand)

ESP3 is an open-source software package for visualizing and processing fisheries acoustics data, developed by the deepwater fisheries acoustics team at NIWA (Wellington, New Zealand).
ESP3 is designed for single-beam and split-beam data. Currently supported data formats are SIMRAD (.raw) and a small number of other formats. The software allows calibration and echo-integration and a number of algorithms are coded in, including bad pings identification, automated bottom detection, single targets identification and tracking, schools identification, etc.
ESP3 is available at this link: .

Sample ESP3 screen

User Customized Data Processing Routines

ASL is interesting in facilitating the sharing of high-level programming code for AZFP Data in Matlab, Scilab, R programing or other languages. If you are interested in making your code available to other users, please contact Jan Buermans here .

The intent is for owners of AZFP instruments to share and improve data Scientific Post-Processing Software between themselves free of charge. Users of the software assume responsibility for the results. Programmers are asked to follow best practices and include lots of comments and notes in their programs. Programmers and users are asked to maintain a log of known problems, bugs and associated fixes.

ASL's Data Cube Representation of Time Series Illustrating Seasonal Variations

ASL Environmental Sciences #1-6703 Rajpur Place V8M 1Z5 Saanichton, BC

Phone: +1 250-656-0177