
Hyperspectral mapping of biofilm.

Hyperspectral Survey of Biofilm at Roberts Bank, BC

As part of an environmental assessment for Port of Metro Vancouver (PMV), ASL was commissioned for the processing and analysis of hyperspectral data in the Roberts Bank intertidal zone.

ASL produced maps of biofilm in Roberts Bank, including biomass estimation of the microphytobenthos (i.e., the chlorophyll-containing component of the biofilm). Secondary maps were produced of other habitat classes such as eelgrass, biomat and other vegetation.

Project services included:

  • Processing of the image and in situ data,
  • Calibration and testing of spectral indices of biofilm biomass, based on in situ measurements of biofilm biomass,
  • Analysis of the airborne imagery to generate GIS ready maps of estimated biofilm biomass and habitat classification.

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Kelp bed mapping.

Time Series of Kelp Maps in Eastern Hecate Strait, BC

The channel from Hecate Strait, through Douglas Channel to the city of Kitimat, has been identified as a strategic gateway for the oil and gas industry. To support circulation models and oil spill contingency planning by Fisheries & Oceans Canada, ASL created seasonal maps of kelp beds in eastern Hecate Strait.

Project services included:

  • Generation of Landsat-based time series of kelp density,
  • Calculation of statistics (mean, trends), and
  • Interpretation of kelp variability due to tides and season.

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Classification of Intertidal vegetation.

Prince Rupert Intertidal Habitat Inventory Project

Prior to the port expansion at Prince Rupert, BC, Borstad Associates conducted an airborne survey to map sensitive marine habitat in the areas surrounding Kaien Island, Digby Island, Ridley Island and the Tsimpsean Peninsula. This included extensive eelgrass beds south of Ridley Island and kelp beds west of Digby Island.

Project services included:

  • Acquisition and processing of the CASI image data,
  • Map validation based on in situ observations,
  • Preparation of GIS ready maps of habitat classification.

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Sediment classification (left) and bathymetry (right) maps.

Production of Bathymetry Maps and Habitat Resource Atlas for the Lagoons of the Republic of Mauritius

Under contract to the Government of Mauritius, Borstad Associates acquired multispectral airborne imagery of the lagoon systems of Mauritius and Rodrigues, from shore to fringing reef. This imagery was used to create an atlas of thematic maps as well as bathymetric maps for the entire lagoon systems of Mauritius and Rodrigues, for use in coastal management.

Project services included:

  • Acquisition and processing of airborne image and in situ data,
  • Calibration and validation of habitat and bathymetry maps, based on in situ measurements of bottom type and water depth,
  • Production of GIS ready thematic maps, lagoon bathymetry, and full colour atlas.

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ASL Environmental Sciences #1-6703 Rajpur Place V8M 1Z5 Saanichton, BC

Phone: +1 250-656-0177